fall campus

Ay Alerts

An informational flyer for a Porter County Education Services (PCES) session titled 'Medical VS Educational: What's the Difference?' The event will address topics including 'What's the Difference?' and 'Does a Medical Diagnosis Qualify for an IEP?' It's scheduled for March 12, 2025, at SELF School Gym, 750 Ransom Rd (Valpo) from 6pm-7:30pm. The flyer features the PCES SEPAC (Parents Helping Parents) colorful flower-like logo and an illustration of a person with questions marks looking confused while using a laptop. The top of the flyer states that it's for parents whose children receive PCES services or are in initial IEP evaluation stages. Contact information is provided at the bottom: pcesparentgroup@pces.k12.in.us. The design uses a teal and lime green color scheme.